These habits are making you unproductive


Staying productive requires a good mindset and few distractions. Without those things, it can be hard to focus on the important tasks laid out in front of you. Being productive might sound easy, but it’s not for everyone, especially when various things are going on around you. It’s hard to stay on track during uncertain times, too. If you’re struggling to concentrate on your work or your hobbies, here’s what you need to start doing.

Leave your phone in another room

Sure, it might seem obvious, but so few people do it. How often is your phone placed right next to you while you are trying to work? How many times do you glance at it or pick it up to check for new notifications? You might think that you are focusing all of your attention on your work but if you have your phone by your side then your attention is most likely split between the two. Sometimes, just putting your phone on silent isn’t enough. Leaving it in another room or turning it off completely will save your battery and boost your concentration levels. 

Stop aiming for perfection

It’s great if you’re putting a lot of time and effort into your work, but it becomes more of an issue if you always strive for perfection. The reality is that not every piece of work that you complete will be perfect. In fact, using the word ‘perfect’ will sabotage any progress you make because you’ll always believe that you are falling short. That’s not the case. Getting the work completed to the highest standard is the best and only goal you should ever set yourself. Sometimes, putting in too much work can be just as bad as putting in too little work. If you have deadlines that need to be met then you really can’t afford to be wasting time by second-guessing your work. Once you remove the mentality that everything you do has to be perfect, it will free up a lot of time for yourself.

Don’t put off the big decisions

Even though it’s important to not rush into anything, it’s equally important to not delay making decisions. The more you overthink something, the harder it is to make the decision in the end. Think about your initial response and what that’s telling you. Are you letting other people’s opinions try to sway you from the right decision? Or are you letting your own doubts and fears get in the way? Making quick decisions isn’t always a bad thing, especially in a work environment where decisions usually need to be made quickly due to deadlines. Try to trust your own decision making skills instead of always relying on other people to back you up. That will help you go a long way in your career. 

Choose your hours carefully

If you are able to work from home and set your own hours, then you should really be making the most out of this. Not everyone is fortunate enough to work at their own schedule and this can be a huge benefit to you. It’s important to remember that the 9 - 5 schedule doesn’t work best for everyone, especially if you have other commitments in your life. Everyone is different. Maybe you work best if you start work at 7 in the morning or maybe you find that you’re most productive in the afternoon. Whatever it is, you need to find what works best for you, and that might require an adjustment period. Finding the routine that works best for you is key, because a good routine leads to increased productivity. 

Written by,

Coralle Skye

SASA HealthComment